Registration Form

Nuclei at the Limits of Stability

University of Surrey, 9-11 January 2003

Title (Prof, Dr, Ms, Mr)




First Name(s)


Name preference for badge (e.g. Mr Tony Blair or Dr Frederick Strangelove)


















Post Code


Tel No:


Fax No:




Sex (tick one): Male Female

Workshop Costs

Full workshop delegate (£180)


Includes en-suite accommodation for the nights of 9th and 10th January, all meals, refreshments and the workshop dinner

Special rate for EPSRC supported PhD students (£100)


Includes as above although toilet facilities may be shared in this case

Name of Supervisor:


Supervisor's Signature:


Day Delegate (without dinner) (£55)


Day Delegate (with dinner) (£105)


Total Enclosed (Due)


Name on Card


Card Number


Expiry Date


Signature of Cardholder


University of Surrey - Sort Code: 60-09-50 - Acct No: 58080716 - Swift Code: NWB KTB 2L
Please quote reference 11263 SD6000 on all transfers

Refunds of fees are not possible after 6 January 2003

Send this form with cheque (if relevant) to:
Professor W Gelletly, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH, UK
- or fax with your credit card or transfer details to: 01483 686781